Roaring Cat Games wrapped up Ludum Dare #33 on Monday after a grueling weekend of intense and time crunching hard work. This time around, it was just my partner Barry and I working together. Surprisingly though, we've managed to produce a complete, playable web-java game. Hard to imagined, especially since I had to take Sunday off because I was booked to DJ at a wedding. My mind was not at ease most of the day Sunday because I was eager and yearned to work on this project more and more. However, I knew that I left my partner in really good hands to finish this game up by himself because I had spent all of Saturday cranking out all of the artworks; marking off my Trello tasks list (our task/organization program). We met up on the following Monday's evening to polished the game with some minor tweaks; I spent most of the time redesigning the keys layout and the background before making our final submission to Ludum Dare's website at 9 PM. With the flux of positive feedback we've received thus far, we'll most likely be working on this again in the coming days to push it for a mobile release. For the price of Free.99!
Below is Barry's awesome description of Saturday Morning Destruction!!!
"As a monster, destruction doesn't always come naturally. So in the 80s, it became popular for young monsters to learn the proper destruction techniques through the power of dance. Many a morning were spent by young monsters watching the proper techniques to destroy. You must make sure you provide a great show to teach the next generation how to become the best monster they can be."

**Post Update: September 16, 2015** The final ratings count came in and below is how our beloved entry stacked up against the other 1526 total entries. Some afterthoughts... I had really high hopes for this entry even before we've submitted it for judging. I'd thought that we would be at the top overall #200 or better, especially after playing some of the other titles. Having an unfinished "beat matching" mechanism that didn't match the movement to the songs' beats may have crippled our overall score. We did break top 100 for humor, that was kind of expected with the hilarious monster training premise. I'm rather disappointed in the Graphics ratings, though. With the amount of positive feedback in the comment section in regards to graphics, I guess, I was yearning for much more. Regardless of the outcome, the most important factor is that we have a production from a weekend's of tireless hard work. This game will be showcased at Louisville Mini Maker Faire along with other creations from our colleagues from Game Dev Lou. We are still trying to get that "Sneaky Nessie" ratings again that solidify Roaring Cat Games' working chemistry for the first time. Perhaps, next time!
Coolness 100%
#94 Humor (Jam) 3.77
#339 Graphics (Jam) 3.77
#344 Fun (Jam) 3.31
#401 Mood (Jam) 3.30
#407 Theme (Jam) 3.60
#489 Overall (Jam) 3.25
#661 Innovation (Jam) 2.83